You into podcasts yet? I listen as I do barn chores some days - and my favourite horse podcast hands down is Horse Radio ... the brain child of Glen the Geek who married a horse addict it's been on air for 7 years ... there are multiple shows now including Dressage Radio Show, Stable Scoop, Equestrian Legends, the Plaid Cast (hunters) and many more - one of their flagship shows is Horses in the Morning
They've recently added a WEG 2018 show (World Equestrian Games) which will be a neat way to follow what's coming with WEG next year!

How can the team who puts this photo online of themselves not put on a great show?
There are retired shows people can access (Western, Hunt, Tack and the last WEG)
There are ads - as you'd expect from a business trying to make a living in the world but the coolest thing? They are relevant, interesting and I am learning even from them!!
Listen in - find your favourite show and leave a comment sharing the one you most enjoyed - or maybe your favourite episode even!! Give the morning show a listen direct from this button!